Sunday, September 25, 2011

Can-Do Club Highlights 9-25-11

Hey, kids! It's Eva Ever! I heard that Can-Do this morning was great! Sorry I couldn't be there. You see, Dean, Justin and I were in the future trying to stop...well...I'll tell you that story another time. Right now I want to talk about the present!

From what I hear, this morning was a combination of several fun Can-Do activities. First up was Prayz Dayz. That is where the Prayz Dayz music team leads the kids in singing and worshiping God! It was really wonderful. Check it out!

Then it was time for the Booth of Truth! What, you ask, is the Booth of Truth?! Well, it is this large booth with foam balls that swirl around the kids when it is turned on! The kids play in two teams and try to get a foam ball with their team's color before their time runs out. If they are successful in capturing a foam ball, their team gets a piece of a puzzel. Once all the pieces are in place, the teams have to put the puzzel together and tell the Bible Story! Sorry there are no pictures. Dean accidently deleted those while he was trying to take a picture of himself! I TOLD him he would break the camera!

At the end of the morning, Can-Do's fearless leader, Jeff, led the kids in talking about what makes them afraid. (OK...I hear Jeff is super afraid of shoelaces but other than that, totally fearless!) The kids had several things they were afraid of but Jeff reminded them of stories from the Bible that show we should not be afraid but trust God! Thanks to Jeff for reminding us who is really in control...GOD!

I hope to join you soon. When I get to visit I plan to... WAIT! What was that?! Oh...good grief! I have to go. Dean has locked himself out...again. Until next time, remember to read your Bible because God's Word endures FOREVER!
Eva Ever

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these pictures, Eva!
    I can't wait to hear about your adventure!

    By the way- it's not that I am afraid of shoe strings- It's just so embarressing to have to go to my mom's house every morning so she can tie them for me!
